Syncthing Usage Data

Active Users per Day and Version

This is the total number of unique users with reporting enabled, per day. Area color represents the major version.

Data Transfers per Day

This is total data transferred per day. Also shows how much data was saved (not transferred) by each of the methods syncthing uses.

Totals to date

No data

Usage Metrics

This is the aggregated usage report data for the last 24 hours. Data based on 172291 devices that have reported in.

Heatmap max intensity is capped at 100 reports within a location.

United States 21% 35536
Germany 11% 19195
China 9.5% 16293
Russia 5.3% 9079
United Kingdom 4.6% 7930
France 4.0% 6885
Canada 3.9% 6734
The Netherlands 2.8% 4788
Brazil 2.7% 4594
Australia 2.5% 4258
Italy 2.2% 3863
Spain 2.0% 3440
Poland 1.7% 2989
India 1.4% 2498
Japan 1.3% 2253
Switzerland 1.2% 1992
Sweden 1.1% 1917
Czechia 1.1% 1832
Austria 1.0% 1773
Taiwan 0.94% 1623
Ukraine 0.88% 1520
Mexico 0.84% 1455
Hong Kong 0.81% 1394
Belgium 0.78% 1348
Indonesia 0.75% 1285
Finland 0.74% 1269
Argentina 0.72% 1234
Portugal 0.66% 1144
Hungary 0.60% 1026
Singapore 0.59% 1013
Philippines 0.52% 891
New Zealand 0.51% 876
Norway 0.50% 870
South Africa 0.49% 837
Greece 0.48% 831
Denmark 0.46% 798
Romania 0.46% 787
South Korea 0.45% 776
Vietnam 0.41% 700
Malaysia 0.39% 677
Türkiye 0.39% 676
Thailand 0.37% 637
Bulgaria 0.31% 540
Ireland 0.31% 540
Kazakhstan 0.31% 537
Israel 0.29% 504
Colombia 0.27% 469
Chile 0.26% 455
Croatia 0.26% 451
Slovakia 0.25% 433
Belarus 0.22% 384
Slovenia 0.22% 380
Lithuania 0.20% 351
Serbia 0.17% 293
Egypt 0.17% 290
Estonia 0.16% 283
Latvia 0.15% 253
United Arab Emirates 0.12% 205
Bangladesh 0.12% 203
Saudi Arabia 0.09% 161
Georgia 0.08% 145
Morocco 0.08% 145
Peru 0.08% 144
Pakistan 0.08% 134
Cyprus 0.08% 133
Moldova 0.07% 120
Uruguay 0.07% 114
Venezuela 0.07% 113
Luxembourg 0.06% 109
Ecuador 0.06% 108
Iran 0.06% 108
Costa Rica 0.06% 99
Nepal 0.06% 95
Kenya 0.05% 92
Dominican Republic 0.05% 78
Armenia 0.04% 76
Iceland 0.04% 76
Azerbaijan 0.04% 68
Uzbekistan 0.04% 68
Malta 0.04% 66
Algeria 0.04% 65
Isle of Man 0.04% 65
Cambodia 0.03% 60
Ethiopia 0.03% 58
Guatemala 0.03% 58
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.03% 57
Montenegro 0.03% 57
Puerto Rico 0.03% 57
Nigeria 0.03% 54
Iraq 0.03% 49
Trinidad and Tobago 0.03% 48
Bolivia 0.03% 47
Macao 0.03% 44
Sri Lanka 0.03% 44
Paraguay 0.02% 43
Jersey 0.02% 41
Lebanon 0.02% 40
Jamaica 0.02% 39
Panama 0.02% 39
Réunion 0.02% 37
Tunisia 0.02% 37
Mauritius 0.02% 32
Bahrain 0.02% 30
Nicaragua 0.02% 30
Angola 0.02% 29
Kyrgyzstan 0.02% 29
North Macedonia 0.02% 29
Namibia 0.02% 27
Jordan 0.02% 26
Honduras 0.01% 23
El Salvador 0.01% 22
Albania 0.01% 21
Kuwait 0.01% 21
Palestine 0.01% 21
Qatar 0.01% 17
Bahamas 0.01% 16
Guyana 0.01% 16
Maldives 0.01% 16
Uganda 0.01% 16
0.01% 15
Tanzania 0.01% 15
Suriname 0.01% 14
Syria 0.01% 14
Libya 0.01% 13
Andorra 0.01% 12
Barbados 0.01% 12
Belize 0.01% 12
Brunei 0.01% 12
Cameroon 0.01% 12
Guadeloupe 0.01% 12
Laos 0.01% 12
Myanmar 0.01% 12
Oman 0.01% 12
Cayman Islands 0.01% 11
Madagascar 0.01% 11
Senegal 0.01% 11
Gibraltar 0.01% 10
Guernsey 0.01% 10
Liechtenstein 0.01% 10
Mongolia 0.01% 10
Zimbabwe 0.01% 10
Ghana 0.01% 9
Kosovo 0.01% 9
San Marino 0.00% 8
Seychelles 0.00% 8
Aruba 0.00% 7
Cuba 0.00% 7
Gabon 0.00% 7
Grenada 0.00% 7
Rwanda 0.00% 7
Botswana 0.00% 6
Faroe Islands 0.00% 6
South Sudan 0.00% 6
Zambia 0.00% 6
Fiji 0.00% 5
French Guiana 0.00% 5
Ivory Coast 0.00% 5
Martinique 0.00% 5
Mozambique 0.00% 5
Northern Mariana Islands 0.00% 5
Papua New Guinea 0.00% 5
Ã…land Islands 0.00% 5
Antigua and Barbuda 0.00% 4
Bermuda 0.00% 4
Cabo Verde 0.00% 4
DR Congo 0.00% 4
Guam 0.00% 4
Yemen 0.00% 4
Benin 0.00% 3
British Virgin Islands 0.00% 3
Congo Republic 0.00% 3
Equatorial Guinea 0.00% 3
Eswatini 0.00% 3
French Polynesia 0.00% 3
Mali 0.00% 3
Monaco 0.00% 3
Niger 0.00% 3
Palau 0.00% 3
Sudan 0.00% 3
Tajikistan 0.00% 3
Vanuatu 0.00% 3
Vatican City 0.00% 3
Curaçao 0.00% 2
Haiti 0.00% 2
Lesotho 0.00% 2
New Caledonia 0.00% 2
Saint Lucia 0.00% 2
Solomon Islands 0.00% 2
São Tomé and Príncipe 0.00% 2
Togo 0.00% 2
Afghanistan 0.00% 1
Burkina Faso 0.00% 1
Chad 0.00% 1
Eritrea 0.00% 1
Federated States of Micronesia 0.00% 1
Greenland 0.00% 1
Liberia 0.00% 1
Malawi 0.00% 1
Montserrat 0.00% 1
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 0.00% 1
Samoa 0.00% 1
Somalia 0.00% 1
St Kitts and Nevis 0.00% 1
Turks and Caicos Islands 0.00% 1
5% 50% 95% 100%
Files Managed per Device 9 3.8 k 281.8 k 86.6 M
Files in Largest Folder 8 2.8 k 208.4 k 60.5 M
Data Managed per Device 15 MiB 13.5 GiB 854.4 GiB 251 521.5 GiB
Data in Largest Folder 15 MiB 10.5 GiB 605 GiB 208 406.7 GiB
Number of Devices in Cluster 1 3 10 765
Number of Folders Configured 1 2 11 1.9 k
Memory Usage 31 MiB 50 MiB 264 MiB 31.1 GiB
System Memory 1.7 GiB 10.3 GiB 63.6 GiB 8589934592 GiB
SHA-256 Hashing Performance 42 MiB/s 574.3 MiB/s 2 GiB/s 2.7 GiB/s
Number of CPU cores 2 7 24 384
Uptime (v3) 30 minutes 1 days 1.7 months 54.6 years
v1.27 148781 86.4%
v1.27.9 80284 46.6%
v1.27.3 34693 20.1%
v1.27.6 9174 5.3%
v1.27.7 7859 4.6%
v1.27.8 6756 3.9%
v1.23 7793 4.5%
v1.23.7-rc.1 3555 2.1%
v1.23.4 863 0.5%
v1.23.5 818 0.5%
v1.23.7 618 0.4%
v1.23.6 618 0.4%
v1.18 4525 2.6%
v1.18.0-ds1 2850 1.7%
v1.18.1 491 0.3%
v1.18.3 481 0.3%
v1.18.5 218 0.1%
v1.19 2485 1.4%
v1.19.2-ds1 1973 1.1%
v1.19.1 173 0.1%
Other 8707 5.1%
Penetration Level Version Actual
50% ≥ v1.27.8 51.7%
75% ≥ v1.27.3 83.5%
90% ≥ v1.23.7-rc.1 90.1%
95% ≥ v1.19.2-ds1 95.1%
Platform Devices Share
linux 62280 36.1%
linux-amd64 52846 30.7%
linux-arm64 5257 3.1%
linux-arm 3839 2.2%
linux-386 272 0.2%
linux-mipsle 47 0.0%
linux-mips 8 0.0%
linux-loong64 3 0.0%
linux-ppc64le 3 0.0%
linux-riscv64 3 0.0%
linux-mips64le 1 0.0%
windows 56246 32.6%
windows-amd64 53680 31.2%
windows-386 2533 1.5%
windows-arm64 33 0.0%
android 46693 27.1%
android-arm64 41960 24.4%
android-arm 4690 2.7%
android-amd64 38 0.0%
android-386 5 0.0%
darwin 5306 3.1%
darwin-arm64 3281 1.9%
darwin-amd64 2024 1.2%
darwin-386 1 0.0%
freebsd 1614 0.9%
freebsd-amd64 1602 0.9%
freebsd-arm64 7 0.0%
freebsd-386 5 0.0%
openbsd 116 0.1%
openbsd-amd64 111 0.1%
openbsd-arm64 3 0.0%
openbsd-386 2 0.0%
netbsd 17 0.0%
netbsd-amd64 15 0.0%
netbsd-arm64 2 0.0%
illumos 13 0.0%
illumos-amd64 13 0.0%
dragonfly 4 0.0%
dragonfly-amd64 4 0.0%
solaris 2 0.0%
solaris-amd64 2 0.0%
Compiler Devices Share
go1.22 101895 59.2%
go1.22.4 77223 44.9%
go1.22.3 8618 5.0%
go1.22.5 5520 3.2%
go1.22.1 5296 3.1%
go1.22.2 3706 2.2%
go1.21 47519 27.6%
go1.21.6 33645 19.5%
go1.21.8 3671 2.1%
go1.21.9 2232 1.3%
go1.21.5 2164 1.3%
go1.21.4 2042 1.2%
go1.20 7815 4.5%
go1.20.6 3637 2.1%
go1.20.11 1370 0.8%
go1.20.2 572 0.3%
go1.20.7 457 0.3%
go1.20.5 438 0.3%
go1.19 5229 3.0%
go1.19.8 2067 1.2%
go1.19.9 718 0.4%
go1.19 426 0.2%
go1.19.4 404 0.2%
go1.19.2 316 0.2%
go1.18 4165 2.4%
go1.18.1 3084 1.8%
go1.18.7 360 0.2%
go1.18.3 283 0.2%
go1.18.4 193 0.1%
Other 5546 3.2%
Distribution Channel Devices Share
GitHub 75431 43.8%
Google Play 33292 19.3%
APT 16265 9.4% (3rd party) 8794 5.1%
Debian (3rd party) 6687 3.9%
Arch (3rd party) 5676 3.3%
Docker Hub 5615 3.3%
Fedora (3rd party) 1757 1.0%
FreeBSD (3rd party) 1356 0.8%
F-Droid 886 0.5%
Homebrew (3rd party) 872 0.5%
Others 15538 9.0%
Builder Devices Share 72724 42.2% 33292 19.3% 13886 8.1%
root@buildkitsandbox 8794 5.1%
vagrant@bookworm 7287 4.2%
debian@debian 6676 3.9%
syncthing@archlinux 5663 3.3% 4912 2.9% 2691 1.6% 2379 1.4%
mockbuild@fedora-koji 1756 1.0%
nix@nix 1395 0.8%
Others 10714 6.2%

Feature Usage

The following lists feature usage. Some features are reported per report, some are per sum of units within report (eg. devices with static addresses among all known devices per report). Currently there are 172280 devices reporting for version 2 and 171810 for version 3.

Various FeaturesUsage
Ignore patterns (v3) 17%
Custom default path (v3) 10%
Custom release server (v3) 7.3%
Restart after suspend (v3) 6.5%
Rate limiting (v2) 1.5%
Overwrite device names (v3) 0.45%
Ignore caching (v3) 0.36%
Custom LAN classification (v3) 0.24%
LAN rate limiting (v3) 0.12%
Download progress disabled (v3) 0.06%
Weak hash enabled (v3) 0.03%
Custom stun servers (v3) 0.01%
Custom traffic class (v3) 0.01%
Custom temporary index threshold (v3) 0.00%
Folder FeaturesUsage
Automatic normalization (v2) 100%
Filesystem watcher (v3) 94%
Ignore permissions (v2) 32%
Mode, receive only (v2) 11%
Mode, send only (v2) 10%
Disable sharing of partial files (v3) 1.5%
Ignore deletes (v2) 0.95%
Mode, receive encrypted (v3) 0.68%
Case sensitive FS (v3) 0.67%
Weak hash, custom threshold (v3) 0.12%
Disable sparse files (v3) 0.05%
Scan progress disabled (v3) 0.04%
Weak hash, always (v3) 0.01%
Device FeaturesUsage
Introducer (v2) 5.3%
Untrusted (v3) 0.10%
Custom certificate (v2) 0.00%
Connection FeaturesUsage
Discovery, local enabled (v2) 97%
Discovery, global enabled (v2) 94%
Relaying, enabled (v2) 91%
GUI FeaturesUsage
Auth Enabled (v3) 60%
TLS Enabled (v3) 35%
Insecure Admin Access (v3) 0.50%
Skip Host check (v3) 0.41%
Allow Frame loading (v3) 0.07%

Feature Group Usage

The following lists feature usage groups, which might include multiple occourances of a feature use per report.

Various Group FeaturesUsage
Upgrades (v2)
Temporary Retention (v3)
NAT Type (v3)
Port restricted NAT
Folder Group FeaturesUsage
Versioning (v2)
Pull Order (v3)
Copy Range Method (v3)
Conflicts (v3)
Device Group FeaturesUsage
Compress (v2)
Addresses (v2)
Connection Group FeaturesUsage
Relaying (v2)
Default relays
Discovery (v2)
Default servers (using DNS)
Transport (v3)
IP version (v3)
GUI Group FeaturesUsage
Listen address (v3)
Theme (v3)

Historical Performance Data

These charts are all the average of the corresponding metric, for the entire population of a given day.

Hash Performance (MiB/s)

Memory Usage (MiB)

Total Number of Files

Total Folder Size (GiB)

System RAM Size (GiB)

Source code. This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from